Consultores de Tecnología y Marketing Digital en El Salvador

When talking about concepts such as gamification and advergaming, some confusion can often arise, both in what they mean and in the use that can be made of them.

Some of the main differences between the two concepts are described below:

  1. The main difference that exists between gamification and game, is that the purpose of the latter lies in fun. On the other hand, in the case of gamification, fun is only the method used to achieve other objectives.
  2. The purpose of advergaming is to achieve, by means of the video game, to promote or achieve greater brand awareness and image.
  3. Advergaming is a useful practice to improve the perception of the brand, thus achieving customer loyalty. Basically, it can be said that advergaming uses video games to make the brand known and make customers feel identified with it.
  4. Gamification allows the user to perform a specific action for the brand. This is achieved by using the game as a motivator so that the user performs such actions.
  5. In gamification, rewards are used to motivate players to perform actions that have nothing to do with the game itself. An example of this would be the awards or medals given in the army or boy scouts.

Why do we like to play so much?

There are four main factors why people like to play:

  1. Because it is fun: when we perform any type of activity, and it is fun, it produces in us a greater satisfaction. This is the basis of the Play Theory, which states that any person is more productive doing activities in a fun way and escaping from monotony.
  2. We love to socialize: we live in society, so we need to be in contact and interact with other people.
  3. It allows us to combat stress: with the intensity with which we live our daily lives, stress usually makes an appearance, so the game becomes a very powerful de-stressor.
  4. We can learn and acquire skills: while playing we usually learn many things, and this is because the game can be posed as a continuous challenge that encourages having to make an effort to overcome it.

In ARGOsoft Group we can support you with the conceptualization, design, development, and implementation of Gamification y Advergaming solutions.

Elvis Castaneda

Elvis Castaneda

Digital Technology Consultant | Digital Project Manager | Consulting and Training | Gamification and Advergaming project design.

He has 16 years of experience in marketing, administration, and project management for the design and development of websites, custom web systems, mobile apps, advergaming, and gamification. Course facilitator and university professor, in subjects, focused on web design and development.

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